I am very proud to announce that our Nepali bashaa guru, Mr. Udaya Neupane, Executive Director of CLP-Nepal (Cross Cultural Learning Point – Nepal) has his own web site (www.clpnepal.org). This web site will not only act as the official web site for CLP-Nepal but also as an ongoing Nepali language and cultural information resource for tourists and people planning to live and work in Nepal. You will find up-to-date information about cultural issues, language guides, as well as tips and services on where to tour around Nepal.
As this web site is still very young, I would like to invite any volunteers (old and new) to contribute to this resource (ie. useful tips, language and cultural resources, places to go see, etc.). Udaya and myself will be maintaining the web site (Udaya is on his third lesson on how to create a post).
We hope that you will find this resource useful. Any comments, feedback, modifications or additions will be greatly appreciated.