Support Update

As we have mentioned before, we have been fundraising on behalf of CUSO-VSO Canada in order to help offset the costs of supporting us and our work while overseas. As of this post (and to our surprise), we have reached our fundraising goal and beyond with $4525 (and donations are still coming in!).

From the bottom of our hearts….Thank you, THANK YOU for your donation support. We greatly appreciate it and we will of course keep everyone up-to-date via photos and our blogs. You can still donate online through our web site via this link. A few bucks here and there will go a long way (especially if everyone throws in a few bucks here and there).

Also, for those who would like a postcard from Nepal, email me or send me a Facebook message with your mailing address. Finally and most importantly, your words of support via email, txt messages, facebook messages/wall posts, skype calls/messenger chats and surprise mobile phone calls in the middle of the night (you know who you are, love ya), etc. have really helped us get through the tough and emotional times. Although we have each other and a good support network here in Nepal, it is still quite comforting to know that our friends and family from back home are thinking about us.

Thanks again, we miss you all, and keep in touch.

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