It’s official (well, sort of… still lots of paperwork to do and formalities, etc. but), Tlell and I are tentatively scheduled to volunteer in Nepal. For those who don’t know (see original post and related tags: vso), we decided to take a “career break” and volunteer our skills and knowledge overseas. We submitted our application to VSO Canada in October of last year and with hopes to originally volunteer somewhere on the African continent.
We were told that finding volunteer placements for a couple and for the specific time-frame that we wanted can be challenging. IT-related positions are easy to find but “post-secondary student development” positions are not. At a VSO presentation that we attended earlier last year, one couple waited almost 1 year to find a placement (the second offer had them in the same country but 500 KM away from each other).
We had potential placements in Ethiopia (we found out we had to be married in order to live together there), Mozambique, Sierra Leone, and Nigeria but Nepal was the only country where the VSO field offices had potential placements ready for the both of us.
I received official confirmation earlier this month and we are still waiting for Tlell’s official confirmation (hopefully in a week or two).
Regardless, we are both preparing to go (and I am secretly training for an Everest Base Camp Trek).
Favourite Nepal photos on Flickr so far:
- http://www.flickr.com/photos/lighthearted/30032250/
- http://www.flickr.com/photos/jonwhite/2506656486/
- http://www.flickr.com/photos/jaykr/1485163694/
- http://www.flickr.com/photos/elosoenpersona/508003239/
- http://www.flickr.com/photos/87287766@N00/2347748724/
- http://www.flickr.com/photos/chrisspira/392772663/
More details to come soon…