I thought this was really noteworthy to post up and to remind ourselves why and how we should act while we are here. Based on principles agreed internationally and in Nepal, we the undersigned have …
Hetauda Bound
It’s last minute, but I am Hetauda bound for 5 – 6 days to meet my counter-part’s field office staff. I am really looking forward to a change of scenery.
Looking Back
After many, many attempts via slow computer networks and even dial-up Internet accoess (yes, Internet dial-up using 28.8 kbps is still a reality here), I have successfully uploaded a 25-minute video of our time here …
Finally, Our Dhera
Aside from posting a back log of blog posts, current posts have been rare these days since we have mainly been focusing our efforts on finding a dhera to live in. Dhera’s are residential places …
Support Update
As we have mentioned before, we have been fundraising on behalf of CUSO-VSO Canada in order to help offset the costs of supporting us and our work while overseas. As of this post (and to …
The First Week
We just completed our first week of work. In-country-training ended for us last week us and while the out-of-valley volunteers shipped out to their placements this week, most of the Kathmandu valley volunteers started work …
Happy New Year from Nepal
Nayaa barsako shuba kamanah (New Year good wishes)! I have a back log of blog posts and photos that I will slowly post up in the next days. Updates include: Our language and cultural training …
The Return to Kathmandu
41 days later in Nepal… After our long and unexpected good byes to our Nepali families, we began to make our way back to the Pacific Guest House in Kathmandu. The sun was starting to …
My Village Stay – Day 7
(The long overdue post of our most memorable day @ Chankhu Besi) It was Day 1 of our community project. The plan was to start immediately after breakfast and then see how the rest of …
My Village Stay – Day 6
Our day off. No language class, just hanging out with the volunteers and taking lots of photos. We also spent the day around town and planning for our community project. Here are some photos from …