Packing Vancouver – Grab and Go

It’s been about a week now since Tlell and I started packing up our apartment and we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. This Saturday from noon till 6pm, is our official “Grab & Go” where essentially, anything that you see in our living room is up for grabs, all for a small donation to our VSO fundraising campaign.

Hopefully “most” of the items will be taken away ranging from kitchenware, picture frames, jars and appliances to desks, bookshelves, tables, and lamps. If you need to furnish your place and want to avoid the hustle and bustle of IKEA, then come one down to Rex and Tlell’s bargain barn – where we try to beg, plead, and guilt you to take our stuff away.

Living Room - Grab and Go


More grab and go stuff
More grab and go stuff

Free food if you come!

Grab and Go - muffins

Grab and Go - Bread

Grab and Go - Chilli


One comment on “Packing Vancouver – Grab and Go”
  1. Rex says:

    Thanks to Erin, Josh, Shannon, Melissa, Cam, Chris and Amy for stopping by and for taking 90% of our stuff away!

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