Our three week adventure in Costa Rica has almost come to an end. I am writing this in San Jose where we are taking it easy (I am hunched at the computer again and Tlell of course is watching the food network). What an amazing experience it has been for the both of us. Our trip pretty much stayed close to our itinerary and of course we added some extra/unexpected turns and dove into non lonely planet mentioned places here and there. Surprisingly, we managed to “comfortably” squeeze in everything we wanted to see and do without burning ourselves out. Smart planning I guess and of course we have experienced many travel lessons and tips for the future.
Some public photos will be up for display shortly and of course many personal photos will be up behind the scenes as well for friends and family.

Muchas, muchas GRACIAS to…
- Hotel Los Volcanes…for the great (included) breakfast and the free suite upgrade on our last day (Tlell much appreciated that).
- Great New Orleans food (believe it or not and thanks for letting us in the gates)
- Iguana Lodge and Pearl of the Osa (Luis, Maverick, Ouriez, Andres, and the rest that I cannot remember). Thanks for accommodating us and driving us around.
- Juan Carlos & Ivan…thanks for the great tour (of the plastic tucans and sloths) and for the horses!
- Laura (and Onyx) from Aventuras Tropicales Golfo Dulce …best kayaking tour we have had in the long time….the dolphins were amazing and thanks for sharing your knowledge of the ecosystem. You are our favourite tour guide!
- Monika at Hotel Arco Iris Lodge (In Santa Elena ~ Monteverde) – thank you so much for helping us get to La Fortuna.
- Eagle Tours for the jeep, the amazing boat transport via the Arenal Lake, and taxi. If anyone needs to get to and from Monteverde to La Fortuna, this is definitely the way to go.
- Daisy and El Sesteo in La Fortuna…for our private cabin, pool and view of the Arenal Volcano. A beautiful and reasonably priced accomodation.
- Carter and Pamela at Loco Natural (along with Rumba, Mambo, and the two other dogs and the cat), you are the best. Muchas, muchas gracias. El Loco Natural and the food was amazing….(I’ll be wearing your tshirt around Vancouver).
- to Brandon the New York guy, thanks for the bikes.
- Hotel Aranjuez…..the gourmet breakfast was delicious!!!!
- Finally, Nature Air (for the overloaded plane ride), Interbus (private transport), Explorardores Adventures, and the humble taxi drivers, gracias!!!
Costa Rica was our first international trip together and it will undoubtedly will not be our last.