I completely forgot my journals were published in this book. To Nepal With Love: A Travel Guide for the Connoisseur Paperback – Oct 1 2013by Kim Fay (Editor), Cristi Hegranes (Editor), Kraig Lieb (Photographer) From …
Book: To Nepal with Love
Our friend Reka in Nepal
Please help Nepal
Nepal earthquake: what the thousands of victims share is that they are poor http://t.co/MFu4sxpZiG — The Guardian (@guardian) April 27, 2015 When wanting to help…. Don’t rush to Nepal to help. Read this first http://t.co/VOPeZgDuz0 …
Holi. Festival of Colors. 2012 on Vimeo
Holi. Festival of Colors. 2012 on Vimeo on Vimeo Quite a stark difference from what we experienced in Nepal.
Canada Day at VSO Nepal
A full day of Canada fun at the VSO Nepal office in Kathmandu.
Sharing smiles and laughter
It is pretty much universal, children do love seeing photos and videos of themselves.
Last days in Nepal
Our last days in Nepal was such a whirl-wind of affairs – packing, final travel arrangements, dog-sitting, more packing, and of course saying good-bye to good friends, who for most may take quite a long …
Let the Long Journey Home Begin…
As our life here in Nepal is slowly coming to an end, our new adventure - our long journey home - awaits.
Best book store in Kathmandu
You will see Mandala Books on Kantipath Road and inevitably stumble upon Pilgrims and but United Books is underdog book store in KTM.
Some photography sites
We plan to publish a photo journal of our travels soon (as soon as we finish debating which photos to include). We’ll probably use Shutterfly or Blurb. I hope to do the same for many …