Today is the annual Terry Fox Run at the kid’s school today. The teachers and staff did a pretty good job of getting the kids organized and pumped up with music, fun stretches, and cheers. …
Running for Lolo
Support Update
As we have mentioned before, we have been fundraising on behalf of CUSO-VSO Canada in order to help offset the costs of supporting us and our work while overseas. As of this post (and to …
VSO Fundraising – The Beguiling
As part of my effort to raise funds for VSO Canada (and to make my mom happy that most of my old room is cleared away of junk), I decided it was time to part …
CUSO-VSO Fundraising
VSO Canada is the Canadian partner of Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) and is an international development agency which places approximately 100 volunteers in more than 30 developing countries each year. VSO Canada recruits volunteers from …
Volunteering in Nepal
For those who do not know, Tlell and I decided to take a career break and volunteer overseas (see past posting about this topic here by clicking on the “VSO” tag). We initially had potential …