On this day while traveling from Vancouver to Victoria on BC Ferries.
Way cool. Arlo saw his first pod of killer whales
Part 2 of the practicing series…
Firsts: A Newly Minted Canuck Fan
I just took my mentee from Tanzania to his first ever Vancouver Canuck game (that is one thing off his bucket list). There was no score after “three quarters” and there were not too many …
Being part of history: Cole’s first Canuck game
A 3-2 win over the St. Louis Blues. Cole: “It’s the second best day of my life.” Tlell: “What is the best day of your life.” Cole: “When I was born (of course).”
Your first
You never forget your “first”!
First haircut and for the first time again, a walk around Granville Island.
Shortly after his first birthday, we started practicing his walking. He started walking around with the assistance of holding both our hands and soon after that with just using one. While standing, he did little …
Daddy daycare – June 21st to 24th
While mama was away… 72 hours straight 12 consecutive bottle feedings 9 breakfasts, lunches, and dinners 15 consecutive diaper changes 1 trip to the swimming pool 1 trip to Best Buy One of the best …
First Day of Swim Class
Best starfish in the class.
A First Christmas
T'was Arlo's first Christmas and all through the Elviss house...