I have been a huge fan of Jared Diamond ever since “Guns, Germs, and Steel” and “Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed” (still sitting on my shelf for me to read).
Parenting insights from Jared Diamond?
Book: The Homeland
A visual journey of our first trip back to the homeland.
A cool way of looking back at old photos
The idea behind Dear Photograph is simple: hold up a photo from the past in front of the place where it was originally shot, then take a picture of the picture, adding a dedication about what the photograph means to you.
A Re-entry Experience
Overall, I really recommend this book for anyone, including for family and friends of people who have recently worked, studied, and/or volunteered overseas.
In front of the Travel Bookshop
We literally stumbled upon the Travel Bookshop that was used in the 1999 film “Notting Hill“. It was quite surreal to not only see the actually store but also stroll around the Notting Hill neighbourhood …
Baler – the hidden gem of the Philippines
We literally only had less than 12 hours in Baler but I can share this much, we’ll definitely be back again to explore this hidden gem in the Aurora province. [wp_geo_map] The drive from Manila …
Mahalo Maui
It was our first time in Hawaii and more significantly our first reintroduction to North American culture. When we landed at the airport it felt so surreal that we were actually here.
Best book store in Kathmandu
You will see Mandala Books on Kantipath Road and inevitably stumble upon Pilgrims and but United Books is underdog book store in KTM.
Himalayan Gourmet
From the archives of volunteers past, my colleagues and I have found a really good cookbook for people living and working in the region. Entitled, “Himalayan Gourmet – A Guide to Cooking in Nepal”, this …
Good Reads – Nepal
Here are four (2 non-fiction, 2 fiction) must read books recommended by my peers (and for which I hope to eventually read when I get around to it someday). Fataliasm and Development – Nepal’s Struggle …