I think we were called Norsemen Plastics
This was the last organized baseball team that I played with. Back when baseball was fun and didn’t cost a fortune to play. I was in Grade 10 and Troy was in Grade 9.
We had a good team and lost a heart breaking walk of win game in the playoffs.
Jaime was my trusted catcher. We pretty much dominated. He knew what I wanted to throw to punch the batters out. We always ended with my devastating slider: it would come right at the right-hander batters head and then cut right into the strike zone. Or it would it would surprise the batter as it would look like it was coming right down the middle, but tail away in the end, and foul off the end of the bat (I remember catching Ian with that one once).
Dave Hogan was one of the lead, grown-up umpires that would call our games. Whenever he found out I was pitching, he knew what to expect. At bats, players would look at him hopelessly, hoping that my sliders weren’t called the third strike. But Dave knew, and even apologized to them, “Sorry buddy, that was as strike”.
My only regret was not playing again the following year and not trying out for the highschool team (long but typical highschool story). Baseball to me now is trying to sneak some time to watch the Jays game on TV or batting practice with my kids. It’s good.