Her first Advent calendar tradition she will probably remember. Every year there is always something fun to do, here are some examples:
- Write letters to Santa
- Sign and send our family christmas cards!
- Draw a Christmas picture to send to a family member that lives far away to show how much you love them
- Find and decorate the Christmas tree
- Attend the Christmas Parade (2pm – 4pm Courtenay, 5th street)
- Pick up trash after school
- Make paper snowflakes
- Play with someone new today
- Cozy up and read Christmas stories in front of the fire
- Comox Rec centre movie night
- Bake some sprinkle cookies
- Make a fire in the fire pit and sit outside under the twinkle lights and drink hot chocolate
- Make popcorn, cranberry and dried orange garlands
- Decorate gingerbread people
- Watch a Christmas movie after dinner!
- Bring a gift to school for your teacher!
- Last day of school! Dinner out then drive around town and look at Christmas lights!
- Go tubing/sledding
- Deliver treats to friends and neighbours
- Sleep under the xmas tree
- Make Reindeer Food
- Wrap presents
- Watch a move in the movie theatre!
- Open a special Christmas Eve present
- Put your shoe on the window for St. Nicholas
- Make Daddy breakfast
- Put a treat in the mailbox for the mail person
- Watch the Christmas truck parade
- Have a family craft night
- Make birdseed ornaments and hang them outside
- Give someone a really nice compliment
- Leave little happy notes in library books to make someone smile
- Give someone a really good hug
- Learn & sing a Christmas song
- Choose some food to donate to the food bank
- Make a video of 5 things you are grateful for
- Clean up someone else’s mess, just because
- Decorate a Christmas ornament
- Decorate some cookies
- Buy a present for our hamper family
- Go caroling
- Play Christmas music and dance in your pyjamas
- Visit Santa
- Go Ice Skating
- Make Salt Dough Ornaments
- Watch the Nutcracker
- Make a winter art project
- Build a snowman
- Decorate the house with lights
- Take a family holiday photo
- Pack our family hamper
- Eat a Candy Cane
- Make holiday cards
- Make a snowflake collage
- Make snow globes
- Volunteer
- Make Paper Winter Stars
- Make ornaments
- Make a wreath
- Make homemade gifts
- Help someone today without being asked
- Go to a special play at the theatre!
- Tell someone how much you love them
- Say thank-you to 3 people who help you today
- Make latkes
- Create a Christmas scene in the bathtub
- Decorate the Christmas tree
- Decorate a gingerbread house
- Make Reindeer Food
- Make holiday bath bombs