T’was Arlo’s first Christmas and all through the Elviss house…
Randy’s rock’n Christmas music was makin a rouse.
(I needed some sort of word that rhymed with house).
The tree was beautifully decorated, with family ornaments and care…
Monika and Tlell cooked up fabulous meals, with all the fixings and flare.
We played board games one night and ate lots of goodies that were divine.
Rex had too much Windbender “home-brew” on top of glasses of mulled wine.
We watched the Canadian world juniors whip Finland’s a$#! with ease and finesse,
Arlo also watched daddy try to split firewood that morning….and oh boy what a mess!!
We had a great time relaxing with the family and puttering around town,
We also had fun watching Arlo as he couldn’t stop jumping around.
As we packed up our things and said our goodbyes, best wishes (and for prayed for good ferry weather),
We all smiled and happily agreed, it was our’s and Arlo’s best-first Christmas EVER!