“And they wonder why those of us in our twenties…
refuse to work an 80-hour week…
just so we can afford to buy their BMWs…
why we aren’t interested…
in the counterculture that they invented…
as if we did not see them disembowel their revolution…
for a pair of running shoes.
But the question remains…
what are we going to do now?
How can we repair all the damage we inherited?
Fellow graduates, the answer is simple.
The answer is…
The answer is…
I don’t know.”
This quote was from the opening scene of the 1994 film “Reality Bites” (wikipedia), a story that encapsulated a generation – more specifically, Generation X (I consider myself to be part of Generation F).
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDYGo0UgIVM]
15 years later, Lelaina Pierce’s message still rings true.
Damn the man, Save the Empire! Go Occupy Wall Street.