559 days later, 13 Countries, and 61 (or so) cities, towns, villages, our “Amazing Race” around the world has solemnly come to an end. After a momentous touch down on Canadian soil at Pearson airport and miraculously dodged a bullet at customs after me, jovially ranting to the agent about where we have been (not a good idea), we were greeted by a familiar image near the baggage carousel that made me smile.
It was official – we were back in the land of roll-up the rim double-doubles, Stanley Cup droughts, and Peter Mansbridge.
It felt really, really good to be home.
We are both immensely grateful to have experienced so much in so little time, to have met so many wonderful and extraordinary people, and to have surprisingly learned more about ourselves, our relationship, and how we want to live out the rest of our lives.
It was, without a doubt “life changing”, and we realised more and more each day that it was not only because of what we did but how we did it. We, absolutely, have no regrets (well, maybe a few) and we wouldn’t even think of changing a thing. It’s definitely not for everyone and not possible for some. But for us, the timing was just right.
What was our favourite part? It’s hard to say, as there were so many, all equally special and memorable for many reasons. I’m definitely looking forward to leisurely looking back with everyone over drinks and through these pages.
Speaking of which…
For those who have been following, you may have noticed a “slight” lag between my posts. I guess I am more of a retrospective blogger than a real-time one. Have no fear folks, I have “quite” a back-log of stories and a $&@”?! load of photos to share.
Stay tuned.

Good to have you guys back on Canadian soil!
Nice smiling ! Haha